CHS Broadbent - Efficient, modern grain supply-chain providers with ​access to ​global markets

What we do

Grain Marketing  •  Logistics  •  Storage  •  Export  •  Supply Chain

CHS Broadbent is an efficient grain supply chain company with access to global commodity markets. With a growing fleet of trucks, modern storage, handling and packing facilities, experienced grain marketers and international relationships, CHS Broadbent own their supply chain making them a local, trustworthy and reliable partner to your agribusiness operations.

We’re equipped to handle all of your grain supply chain requirements including bulk storage and handling of grains and oilseeds, the road transport of bulk commodities and the containerisation of grain including packing and delivery to Port.

Grain Marketing

CHS Broadbent have an experienced domestic grain marketing team based across the east coast with offices in Ballarat, Moama, Moree and Toowoomba. We offer comprehensive grain marketing services including cash, contract and delivered pricing with a specific focus on originating grain on an ex-farm basis.

More about Grain Marketing
Grain Marketing Services - CHS Broadbent


Offering competitively priced freight services through South Australia, Victoria, NSW and QLD, CHS Broadbent boasts an efficient fleet of modern mass managed, accredited and reliable transportation with a team of professional drivers.

More about Logistics
Grain Freight Services - CHS Broadbent

Storage & Handling

CHS Broadbent operates modern grain receival storage and handling facilities based at Lakaput and Lake Bolac in the Western District of Victoria, Jondaryan in Southern Queensland and Moree in Northern NSW. Our receival sites are widely recognised by grain producers and grain marketers as leaders in providing reliable, dependable and customer focused service.

More about Storage & Handling
Grain Storage and Handling - CHS Broadbent

Export Services

CHS Broadbent operate two state of the art grain export facilities, one in Toowoomba QLD and the other in Ballarat Victoria. The container packing plants combined with our storage and handling facilities, fleet of trucks and experienced grain marketing team complete the supply chain which allows us to connect Australian farmers direct to consumers all over the world.

More about Export Services
Container Packing - CHS Broadbent
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